Ina Forsman (Finland)
At the beginning of 2023 I was asked to join Ina's band which is based in Berlin. Ina is a bangin' singer, and has what it takes to take her all over the world. Her music is inspired by the thumping Soul and Rhythm n Blues of yesteryear, but brings a modern touch - ala - Sharon Jones to sculpt her very own 'Cinematic Soul from the North'. I really couldn't be happier to be a part of this band - this music is BASS HEAVEN.
Dick Smithers and the Doo Wops
The Hoon
Ben Walsh
Aronas - Aron Ottignon
The Vampires
The Pigs
Bluegrass Vaccine
The Steamgrass boys
The Corridors
The Spätelites
The Cope Street Parade
Dereb the Ambassador
Orchestra of the Underground
Luke Escombe and the Corporation
Bakane Seck
The Bakery
The Sun Chasers
Felix Otterbeck
The Colors
Tactic Trio
Tim Minchin
Tim Finn
Masta Ace
Crusty Suitcase Band
Uncanny Carnival Band
Artists - Bands - Orchestras
Dereb the Ambassador (Ethiopia)
One of the highlights of my bass playing career has been playing the jazz-soul sounds of Ethiopia from the mid 20th Century. And with Dereb this dream came true. Dereb has a truly unique and contagious voice, and with his enigmatic stage presence it was easy to get lost in the deep groove of Dereb and his country's wonderful music. I recorded and toured with the 8 piece band including to Japan and the Tokyo Jazz festival.
Catch a live performance here.
Theatrical and Stage Productions
Keating! the Musical (Australia - Company B production)
Fearless Nadia (Australia - UK - India - Orchestra of the Underground)
My Bicycle Loves You (Australia - Legs on the Wall production)
The Arrival (Australia, Brasil - Orchestra of the Underground)
Scotch n Soda the Circus (Australia, UK, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Columbia - a Company 2 and Crusty Suitcase Band production)
Jersey Boys - (Australia - a Broadway Musical production)
Chronic Symphonic - (Australia - a Luke Escombe production)
Carnival Cruiselines - (USA, Carribean - production show bigband)
Megan's Megacan Podcast (Germany)
In 2023 I composed, recorded and produced an original theme song for the popular Berlin-based podcast, Megan's Megacan.
more info....
I have had the absolute pleasure to perform, record, collaborate, and play with some truly amazing artists, bands, orchestras and theatre productions. These connections have taken me to all parts of our earth - I am truly blessed.
Production Music
In 2023 I entered the world of production music - an old high-school dream which took a global pandemic to remind me of.

Megan's Megacan - podcast theme music.
As a bit of politics junkie, you'll often find me getting my 'fix' in the land of podcasts - a flashing LED in my ear, the only indication that my itch is being scratched. Podcasts really are the perfect antidote to the boredom that comes with life's repetitive menial tasks. So in 2020, when Covid left me stranded in Germany, with no work, and barely a handle on the language, the podcast Megan's Megacan was a godsend - German news in English with a cocktail can, and a healthy splash of expat humour - perfect!
After reaching out to offer ideas for an upcoming live recording for the show at the Berlin Podcast Festival, I proposed playing the (now previous) theme music live at the event. One megacan and a few 'off the cuff' lyrics later, a song was born, and is now the new theme tune for the popular podcast.